Banner for the Behind the Paper article "Warmer sicker? Or warmer stronger?: How climate change shapes mosquito immunity". The aim was to highlight how mosquito-virus interactions are influenced by temperature. Read it here.
Schematic results for "Warmer sicker? Or warmer stronger?: How climate change shapes mosquito immunity. The darkness of the mosquitoes denotes their age: as they get older their colour fades.
The steps involved in the successful transmission of an arbovirus by a mosquito for our paper "Not all mosquitoes are created equal: A synthesis of vector competence experiments reinforces virus associations of Australian mosquitoes" published in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. Read it here.

Simplified stomach study. Unpublished.

The lifecycle of a mosquito, from Grandmother Mosquito (2022) published by the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District.